

Hello All, The new year is upon us, and as we reflect on 2020, what a challenging year it was. The suffering, loss, fear, and upheaval that COVID brought impacted every one of us. The isolation and lack of physical and social interaction. The political divisiveness...

We understand how cumbersome it can be to keep up-to-date on all of the various updates associated with COVID-19. It can also be challenging to know where to go to find the information that you need. We are here to help you with a list...

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grip the nation, many people find themselves struggling with the new state of normal. Known as “COVID fatigue,” it is emotional and mental exhaustion from dealing with the lack of social contact and uncertainty.  In this article, we will...

For Heather, caregiving has always been part of her personality.  She previously worked with emotionally disturbed teens and also assisted those in need through a domestic violence hotline – in addition to also working in schools as an instructional aide for children with disabilities. It's...

As Governor Jay Inslee has announced new restrictions (due to the rapidly rising number of COVID-19 cases in Washington state), the With A Little Help leadership team wanted to share our commitment to ensuring the safety of our staff, clients, and their families. Here is a list of the safety...

When asked what called her to become a caregiver, without hesitation Darsheen said, “It’s something that I have been doing since I was a little girl. It’s just something that is instilled in me”. From a very young age, Darsheen was taught to care for,...

Without a doubt, 2020 has challenged each and every one of us. It’s been six months since the start of the pandemic. Six months of making adjustments in our personal and professional lives. Six months of quarantine, social distancing, home-schooling, and mask-wearing. We are living in a time...

Just like in all families, our team at With A Little Help is committed to being here to support you in multiple ways.  As we continue on, in the midst of this pandemic, the common denominator that we hear about most often is not surrounding...

With A Little Help continues our commitment to keeping our clients, caregivers, and community safe.  In order to do so, WALH’s interim services, policies, and procedures will remain in place until further notice. These services and protocols include: • Information updates • Training for Caregivers • Daily self-assessment for symptoms •...

Removing Surgical Masks How to Remove a Face Mask with Intent to Reuse 1.  Wash hands thoroughly (for 20 seconds) or use hand sanitizer 2.  When removing mask: • Remove mask by holding the ear loops. Remove slowly and carefully. • For masks with ties: Untie lower ties FIRST and upper ties LAST. •...