25 Feb Caregiver Connection: Coaching Her Way Through Caregiving
Lori has been a caregiver for With A Little Help for nine and a half years. After working as a massage therapist for 23 years and an acupuncturist for six years, some of the physical aspects of those jobs had taken a toll on her. She decided that she needed to do something different.
She was also with her father, who passed away from A.L.S., during the last few weeks of his life, and that was a very powerful experience for her. Then one day, a neighbor who also works for With A Little Help recommended that she come and work for them.
“The timing was quite synchronistic,” she explained. “Sometimes life just presents you things when you need them.”
In addition to being a caregiver, Lori has been a transformative life coach for about 3-1/2 years. She was inspired to become a life coach while listening to a call-in radio show hosted by Michael Neill, an internationally known transformative life coach and author.
“Every time someone called in with a question, I was blown away by his answers and his ability to nail what people’s problems are so quickly and help them. I resonated so much with what he had to say.”
Lori knew she wanted to do something in addition to caregiving that would add to her own personal growth. After reading one of Mr. Neill’s books, she decided to participate in his 6-month training program.
She’s been a searcher and a seeker all her life. When she learned about Michael Neill, she felt like she could stop searching and seeking because of the peace of mind she got from his program.
“It was the best thing I could have done for myself,” Lori shared. “One of the things life coaching has taught me is that we are all looking at the world from the inside out, so our experiences are not the cause of our feelings and grief.”
What she loves about With A Little Help is just that – sometimes all people need in life is just a little help.
“They need a presence, and they need someone that can help them have a bit more peace of mind,” she explained. “The same is true for both caregiving and life coaching. We are all innately healthy, and we all have a sense of well-being; we just need to uncover that. It’s about being present with another human being and pointing them back to their resilience and capabilities.”
Lori doesn’t “coach” her caregiving clients, but she has learned a lot about herself in her life coach training to help manage her own anxiety. Sometimes her clients can get really anxious, and she feels like she can be a real calming presence for them. She can hold their anxiety, knowing they are going to be okay.
Lori really loves and enjoys her caregiving clients. It’s about the relationships, connections, and bonds that she has with them, and it’s why she loves being a caregiver. When her clients are struggling, she wants them to know whatever they are feeling will pass, and she wants them to understand how deeply she feels this.
One of the parallels she experiences with caregiving and life coaching is that she hears some amazing stories. She mentioned that one of her caregiving clients is a descendant of Abraham Lincoln’s law partner, and another one was a relative of the Captain of the Titanic.
In closing, Lori shared that it’s a gift to be a caregiver, it’s a gift to have two jobs that she loves, and it’s a gift to be with people.
“The aging population has so much to offer, and I feel that I get back what I give to them,” she said. “I’ve worked with some really delightful people.”
As you’ll see from the photos featured in this blog, Lori loves the outdoors and enjoys hiking, backpacking, skiing, and traveling. Lori also majored in art in college, loves to paint, and has two college-aged kids.
With A Little Help is so appreciative of Lori and her dedication to her clients. We are lucky to have her as a long-time team member!
If you or someone you know could benefit from the services offered by With A Little Help, contact us via phone at 206.352.7399, via email at care@withalittlehelp.com or fill our Contact Form, and a member of our team will be in touch.